Stats & Facts
Abuse and neglect can occur in families where there is a great deal of stress. The stress can result from a family history of violence, drug or alcohol abuse, poverty, and chronic health problems.
Families that do not have nearby friends, relatives, and other social support are also at risk. It is important to remember that abuse and neglect occurs across all income levels and racial/ethnic backgrounds. See below for some statistics on child abuse and neglect in our communities and country.
In Nevada
In 2022, Nevada had 15 child fatalities at a rate of 2.17 deaths for every 100,000 children.
(USDHHS Child Maltreatment Report, 2022)*
In 2013, there were 540 substantiated cases of child sexual maltreatment in Nevada.
(Nevada Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children, 2014)*
Of the total closed investigations in Nevada in 2022 (3,749), 22.7% were substantiated.
(NV Division of Child and Family Services)*
CPS Reports and Investigations in Nevada FY2023
July 2023 – June 2024
Clark County | Washoe County | Rural Counties | Total Statewide | |
Total New Referrals | 30,569 | 6,124 | 4,566 | 41,259 |
Information Only | 14,674 | 3,178 | 2,688 | 20,540 |
Differential Response | 248 | 177 | 2 | 427 |
Total Closed Investigations | 12,661 | 1,340 | 548 | 14,549 |
Substantiated | 3,212 | 450 | 236 | 3,898 |
Unsubstantiated | 9,093 | 872 | 309 | 10,274 |
Unless otherwise indicated, above data has been provided by (NV Division of Child and Family Services).
Department of Child And Family Services Data Book (Updated May 2018)
Clark County Department of Family Services Statistical Overview Reports
In the United States
In 2022, U.S. State and local Child Protective Services (CPS) received an estimated 4.2 million referrals of children being abused or neglected. (USDHHS Child Maltreatment Report, 2022)*
In 2022, an estimated 1,990 children died from child maltreatment. That is a rate of 2.73 per 100,000 children. (USDHHS Child Maltreatment Report, 2022)*
A cross-sectional, US national telephone survey of the child maltreatment experiences of 4,503 children and youth aged 1 month to 17 years in 2011 found that 13.8% experienced child maltreatment in the last year (including neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, custodial interference, or sexual abuse by a known adult) (USDHHS, 2012)*
The total lifetime economic burden resulting from new cases of fatal and nonfatal child maltreatment in the United States is approximately $124 billion. (CDC, 2012)*
*Click source for full report
Fact Sheets About Child Abuse and Neglect
- Long Term Consequencesof Child Abuse and Neglect
- 5 Myths About Child Maltreatment
- Maltreatment of Children With Disabilities
- Emotional Child Abuse
- Families and the Workplace
- The Relationship: Parental Alcohol/ Drug Problems and Child Maltreatment
- Sexual Abuse of Children
- Sexual Abuse of Boys
- Nevada Administrative Code – CHAPTER 432B – Protection of Children from Abuse and Neglect
- Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect